Hello there,
Has someone suggested your child is disabled or has special educational needs?
Do you already know your child has difficulties but you’re struggling to get suitable help for them at nursery or school?
Have you heard lots of strange or confusing terminology to do with special educational needs that’s left you not sure you’re understanding what you’re reading?
Are Children’s Services/ adult social services being “difficult” with you and your family in some way?
Are you a (potential) university student struggling to get adequate support via the Disabled Students Allowance and/or from your university directly?
Are you the parent of a disabled child who is nearly 18 or of a young adult who is transitioning between children’s and adult services?
If any of these are close to reflecting what’s happening at the moment, we are likely to be able to assist you with:
Helping you obtain the evidence you need to ascertain the full extent of your child’s needs.
Having the right special educational provision put in place for your child – whether that’s better provision in their current school or a move to a different school.
Any advice you would like around the Annual Review of your child’s Education, Health and Care Plan – particularly relevant when you are approaching a point of transition between phases of education (eg. primary to secondary, secondary to sixth form).
Challenging inadequate/nonsensical assessments of need by social services (whether adults or children’s services). And challenging where the proposed provision doesn’t match the identified needs.
Exploring NHS Continuing Care / Continuing Healthcare where someone’s needs are likely to be primarily “health” needs.
Applications for Deputyship – both property & affairs and health & personal welfare, where such applications can sensibly be made.
Evidence needed to get a comprehensive needs assessment for Disabled Students Allowance.
Transitions from children’s to adult social care and transitions from education into work/supported living/residential care/day time provision from social services.